In KEYBIOLOGICAL S.L. we are committed to the implementation of a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standard, in order to achieve a greater commitment to quality and continuous improvement of the service provided under the scope:

Ozone oxidation of vegetable oils and their commercialisation for cosmetic products. Marketing of cosmetic products and food supplements.

As a sign of our commitment, we have drawn up and published our Quality Policy, based on the following commitments:

  • To market innovative and quality products, offering a guarantee to our customers.
  • To use top quality materials, which we integrate following environmentally friendly guidelines throughout the production process.
  • Knowing, analysing and meeting the needs and expectations of our customers to ensure their satisfaction.
  • Comply with the legal requirements applicable to our activity, as well as those requirements that KEYBIOLOGICAL S.L. has subscribed voluntarily or contractually with other organisations.
  • To promote the efficiency of human and technological resources to ensure the quality of our work.
  • To consider continuous improvement as a permanent objective, which increases the quality perceived by our customers.
  • To have the appropriate resources, both material and human, for the development of our activity.

Based on these guidelines, the Management of KEYBIOLOGICAL S.L., formulates an annual programme of objectives and verifies its degree of compliance.

This policy is the responsibility of each and every member of KEYBIOLOGICAL S.L., it is communicated to the whole company for its knowledge, understanding and compliance and is available to any person or entity that requests it. Furthermore, this policy is reviewed, analysed and updated for its continuous adaptation.

In Vigo, 27th October 2022
Fdo. Management