Malaysia-based pharmaceutical company Farmasia Sdn Bhd has been the first company to develop a medical device using our ozone peroxidized raw material PeroxiBiokey®.
Atroflex Gel is a natural topical analgesic gel made from PeroxiBiokey® Ozonated Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which helps relieve inflammation and pain in minutes.
Treatment for joint pain will vary depending on the underlying cause. Typically, a physician may prescribe painkillers to relieve pain. According to several studies, ozonated olive oil exerts anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It significantly inhibits the overproduction of PGE2 and COX-2 expression in LPS1-stimulated macrophage-like THP-1 cells. In sports physiotherapy, ozonated olive oil is used for sports massage, aiding in the elimination of lactate and improving sports performance.
According to data recorded from 42 patients in a clinical study to test the effectiveness of Atroflex Gel, it has been shown to help reduce pain with an average score of 1.8 points in pain related to the hip, shoulder, knee, neck, back and wrist.
Comparatively, the same pattern of pain reduction has been observed with other topical analgesic products and oral analgesics.