Opinions and experiences of our customers

“Due to an anxious-depressive disorder, I was treated with anxiolytics and antidepressants for more than five years. After such a long time, my body did not respond to the successive medications, which only had some effect for a month or two, so the different psychiatrists who treated me opted to try different medications, without any result and with worrying side effects.
I went to Dr. Acevedo’s office in desperation, twenty kilos overweight and in a deplorable state of mind. It was the best decision I could make. I started a detoxification treatment to cleanse my body and my brain, preparing it to stop taking the medication to which I had been tied for so many years.

My experience was more than positive with Vegafarma Cervell vials, which helped me to cleanse my brain, continuing with Vegafarma Ansiodep, to finally stop taking the seven pills a day, which I achieved three months after starting the treatment.
I have taken other Vegafarma products, all of them with excellent results, so I totally recommend them.

Ana C.L.

Housewife. Vigo



“Months ago my integrative medicine doctor recommended the use of ActivOzone Advanced Pro. After almost seven months of taking it daily, I notice my mind is more active, my mental retention capacity has improved and I perceive how, despite being subjected to intense states of stress personally and at work, my brain works optimally, remembering everything with half the effort, something that did not happen before. I recommend it without any doubt”.

Cristina C. S.




“In 2012 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (SLE=Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), but I always refused to take corticosteroids, antimalarial drugs or immunosuppressants, and I made the decision to rely on integrative medicine to control my chronic inflammatory disease. Under medical supervision I started taking ActivOzone Advanced Pro ozone oil in ampoules, Vegafarma Super BlueCell phycocyanins, Vegafarma Turmeric Max liposomal turmeric and Vegafarma Nutricalcium. After 1 year of treatment the level of inflammation had dropped considerably and my immune system was much more balanced. After 3 years I am still on ozone and phycocyanin and my health is improving every day”.

Angela Alberta Agati

Translator, 50 años



“During my oncological process I have complemented the conventional treatment with ozone supplementation ActivOzone Advanced Pro and Vegafarma Super BlueCell and other tools of integrative medicine obtaining a very positive result with a lot of energy in my day to day life.

Olalla G.

Education assistant, 44 years old. Cangas



“I am working in a public company. Thanks to ozone with ActivOzone Advanced Pro my son was able to regularize his liver enzymes, which were very altered, in three months of treatment”.


Worker in a public company. Vigo Vigo



“I went to Rafael Gimeno’s naturopathy practice to lose weight. The review of my last blood tests showed an increase in lymphocytes, absolute neutrophils, absolute lymphocytes and absolute monocytes, something that had already happened to my mother, but her doctors had not given it any importance.
Rafael suggested that I take one ampoule of ActivOzone Advanced Pro a day for three months and then request a new blood test. The results of the blood test were good, there was a decrease in lymphocytes and a normalization of absolute neutrophils. I have been taking ActivOzone Advanced Pro for 8 months and I have already had a second analysis in which the indicators continue to improve, the lymphocytes continue to decrease, and I have also lost 10Kg”.


Truck driver, Valencia