The best gift to your family, and to the world, is a healthier you.

What are postbiotics?

Have you heard of postbiotics? They’re all the rage in the world of nutrition, and for good reason. Postbiotics are the byproducts of probiotic bacteria and can offer a variety of health benefits. One of the most important postbiotics is…

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a set of techniques that use medical ozone as a therapeutic agent. Medical ozone is a mixture of a maximum of 5% ozone and 95% oxygen.In 1885 Dr. Charles J. Kenworth wrote the first book on ozone…

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a naturally occurring molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. On Earth ozone is found forming a ring that surrounds the planet, also known as the ozone layer or ozonosphere. For ozone to be produced, there needs to be…

KeyBiological awarded with the ARDÁN 2022 indicator

Yesterday we went to bed with a smile from ear to ear, because the Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo has included us this year among the companies that meet any of the criteria of the renowned ARDÁN Indicator. We have…

K-butyrate, nutrition for your insides

K-Butyrate, a new generation vegan probiotic that helps restore the intestinal bacterial flora favoring the normalized growth of our own bacterial community. The stress of everyday life or a poor diet can damage your intestinal microbiota, leading to poor digestion…

Ozone oils in oral health

Most of the pathologies of the oral cavity are due to microorganisms. Numerous bacteria coexist in our mouth, many of them beneficial and that help us to fight bacteria that can harm us. That is why the use of ozone…

Skin care while shaving with ActivOzone Ozone Soap

It is inevitable that at some point our skin suffers irritation after shaving, and is that the state of our razor, our technique or the gels and soaps used are very important to get a good result without damaging our…

Omega-3 and Cardiovascular Health

Interest in the potential cardiovascular benefits of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids began in the 1940s with several studies already demonstrating positive effects in relation to cardiovascular disease. Today, Omega-3 intervention doses of 1 g/day of EPA + DHA continue to…

Effects of melatonin supplementation on diabetes

This study was conducted with 16 randomized clinical trials investigating the effects of melatonin supplementation, compared to placebo, on fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance, and glycosylated hemoglobin in over 800 healthy subjects. The doses of melatonin given ranged from 3…

Innovation awarded with institutional support

We are very happy to announce that we have been selected as beneficiaries together with the companies Biostatech and iCODA of the InnovaPEME 2021 Program offered by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund…

Alpha lipoic acid in migraine episodes

Migraine is a common and chronic neurological disease. It is characterized by a unilateral headache and sometimes occurs with nausea and/or photophobia.The results of a study on the influence of alpha lipoic acid on this disease have recently been published.…