The ozone molecule is, by nature, unstable. Under normal conditions, it takes about 40 minutes to transform into O2 and O-. For this reason, in techniques such as autohemotherapy, the moment of O3 production and its administration should occur in the shortest possible time.
However, there is a way to keep O3 stable for years, maintaining all its beneficial properties for health: by combining it with a vegetable lipid source, creating the so-called ozonised oils.
Due to its lipid-soluble capacity, O3 binds to the fatty acids in the oil, cleaves them (in a process called ozonolysis) and gives rise to trioxolanes or ozonides + peroxides. This means that there is NO OZONE in ozonated oils, but only the products resulting from ozonation. In other words, the ozone will not interact with or oxidise our own cellular lipids because it has already oxidised the oil.
When these O2– and O-loaded ozonides come into contact with the exudates, they break down into ROS species (reactive oxygen species) releasing locally oxygen and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as well as lipid oxidation products (lipoperoxides).
The production and the method used for the formation of these oils is of vital importance as the final properties of the oil and its biological and therapeutic effect depend on it. Not all ozonised oils are the same, and it is important to treat it differently depending on the final product to be produced.
To produce ozonised oil, the first thing we need to do is to convert the ambient oxygen into ozone. To do this, specialised equipment is used which, by means of electrical discharges, dissociates the O2 molecule, causing them to group together to form O3. This ozone is then used to saturate a vegetable fat or oil, giving rise to ozonides and peroxides. Normally, during this process, high temperatures are produced, which leads to the degradation of the oil and the appearance of toxic aldehydes.
The manufacturing process of KeyBiological ‘s PeroxiBiokey® oils is carried out at a low temperature, which guarantees their safety and efficacy. In addition, our oils contain two compounds that are unique on the market: azelaic acid and trioleins.
Thanks to this, we have managed to file a patent at European level and have been awarded ‘Most innovative biotech company’ and ‘Best innovative material’ at Galician level.
Our oils change their molecular structure more profoundly by adding ozone to their chains in a safe and long-lasting way. We make them lighter but more powerful and effective at the same time.
Keybiological ozonised oils penetrate deeper into the cellular level and are more antiseptic and healing, as well as greatly increasing the cellular and organic antioxidant effect.
Our secret: different ozonisation time and method for each product, different viscosity, peroxide and acidity index.
Discover our new premium cosmetic brand KeyOxygen with new generation PeroxiBiokey® ozonised oils.