
Eubage RH

27,39  (27,39  with IVA)

Eubage RH food supplement based on:

  • Selenium
  • Choline
  • Betaine
  • Silymarins
  • Glutathione

See the product description

Eubage RH is a food supplement based on Selenium, Choline, Betaine, Silymarins and Glutathione.

<strong>Benefits</strong> Liver
<strong>Ingredients</strong> Selenium

Betaine hydrochloride is lipotropic and hepatoprotective, hindering the storage of lipids. It reduces the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which is a residue of amino acid metabolism that is directly involved in arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis.

The flavonoids of the American Chrysanthemum (Crysantellum americanum) improve peripheral venous circulation and intervene in the balance of lipid metabolism. They increase the resistance of capillaries. They stimulate biliary and digestive secretion. They facilitate the elimination of gallstones of any origin. They enhance the emulsification of fats, such as triglycerides and cholesterol, eliminating bad cholesterol (LDL and vLDL). They act as a purificant and hepatoprotective.

Silymarins, composed mainly of milk thistle silybin, silicristin and silidianin (Silybum marianum), are very effective in treating inflammation of the bile ducts (by activating the flow of bile synthesized in the liver until it enters the duodenum). Silymarin participates in detoxification and acts against fatty deposits, due to its protective and healing properties against liver damage. It helps stabilize liver cell membranes and stimulates the synthesis of liver proteins leading to the production of new hepatocytes, regenerating liver tissue. It exerts a hepatoprotective effect against various toxic substances (alcohol, paracetamol, etc.), reducing the rate of GOT and GPT and bilirubin.

The flavonoids expressed in vitexin from Linden (Tilo cordata) have remarkable toxin-draining properties. They are extremely useful for the urinary tract. They act as a powerful solvent of uric acid, very important in cases of cholecystitis due to lithiasis. They are an excellent drainer of the biliary and urinary tracts. They act as antispasmodics, especially in the spasm of the sphincter of Oddi.

Alpha-lipoic acid acts as an analeptic participant in the enzymatic process of converting sugars and fats into energy (production of ATP). Alpha-lipoic acid improves elimination from the body.

Lespedeza is the most common name of the North American legume plant, from the Fabaceae family, whose flowers and fruits have known diuretic properties.

In phytotherapy it has been used in the treatment of hyperazotemia (pathological increase of urea in the bloodstream), recognizing a beneficial effect of increasing glomerular filtration in situations of nephropathy.

When there is a marked reduction in glomerular filtration and an implicit increase in plasma creatinine and urea, the tendency is for the nephropathy to worsen (diabetic, autoimmune, hypertensive or other).

Under these conditions, the renal filtration-stimulating effect of Lespedeza is beneficial: an insufficient kidney always overloads the liver, potentially aggravating a self-sustaining process by reciprocal harmfulness.

The saponins induced by Desmodium indole alkaloids (Desmodium adscendens) promote metabolic work protectors and limit the liver toxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride. They act positively on the evolution of the transaminase rate.

Choline bitartarate belongs to the extensive family of B complex vitamins, being the most suitable molecule for the good absorption and good bioavailability of choline, a fundamental substance of the protective lipotropic action of the liver as a consequence of the reduction of excess hepatic fat (“fatty liver”). It should be noted that a liver infiltrated by lipid deposits is a liver that is insufficient or in the process of failing and with risks of endogenous intoxication.

Since the human body cannot produce the necessary choline and that ingesting it in the diet does not compensate for this deficiency, it is advisable to take a supplement, preferably choline bitartrate, for good protection or restoration of the liver.

Liver diseases related to medications, nutrition (alcohol excesses), metabolic or infectious (viral hepatitis and others) recommend detoxification regimes for our main detoxifying organ, which is precisely the liver.

Other beneficial effects of choline and preferably choline bitartrate are largely due to the dynamic constitution of methyl groups in the metabolic processes of lipids, better brain function, biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, cholagogue and choleretic effects, vasodilation and even benefits in Alzheimer’s, memory failures, formation of enzymes that reduce homocysteine ​​(called “new cholesterol”) and also in the good formation of the brain of babies and children.

Reduced glutathione acts deeply in metabolic biochemistry as a protector, regenerator and activator of liver cells and is chemically the tripeptide gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine, a molecule present in humans.

Glutathione deficiency is associated in the causal chain of multiple and diverse pathologies, including liver diseases. Currently, older people with high levels of glutathione are considered healthier, having discovered its enhancing effect on telomerase, an enzyme that contributes to the maintenance of telomeres, recognized agents of cellular longevity.

There are two forms of glutathione: an oxidized form (GSSG) and a reduced form (GSH), which is the beneficially active form included in this dietary supplement.

Its beneficial effects are antioxidant, purification of the body (including liver cells), cell proliferation and renewal and the very important protection and activation of mitochondria (beware of recently identified mitochondrial diseases, which affect energy, immunity, quality of life and longevity).

Organic Selenium (L-Selenomethionine) is essential for the proper functioning of the liver filter and protects cells from damage caused by oxidation of free radicals.

1 capsule, 2 times a day, before meals (or as prescribed by your health care professional). Swallow the capsule without opening or chewing, with a glass of water.

The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.

For prolonged use, it is recommended to consult a health care professional.

It is not recommended to take this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the components of the formulation.

Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.

The product should be stored out of the reach and sight of children.

Store in the original packaging, in a cool, dry place and protected from light.

Ingredients: Betaine hydrochloride, American chrysanthemum dry extract (Chrysanthellum americanum (L.) Vatke – Leaves), Milk thistle dry extract (Silybum marianum), Linden dry extract (Tilia cordata Mill. – Leaves), α-Lipoic acid, Enzymatic Bio Catalyst®, Lespedeza capitata Michx. dry extract, Desmodium dry extract (Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC. – Leaves), Choline bitartarate, Reduced glutathione, L-Selenomethionine; Microcrystalline cellulose, Magnesium salts of fatty acids, Silicon dioxide (anti-caking agents); Vegetable capsule: Hypromellose, Calcium carbonate, Carrageenan and Potassium chlorate (colorants).

Bottle of 60 vegetable capsules.

    *No product should be used as a substitute for a balanced diet, nor should it be considered as an alternative to medical prescription or treatment. The results may vary depending on the person and it is recommended, before use, to always consult a health professional, doctor, nutritionist or naturopath.

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